Antti Anttila

Lekatech CEO

Antti Anttila, CEO and Co-founder of Lekatech, and Project Manager Lekatech in ECHO project, has more than 20 years of experience in developing and operationally leading supply chains and businesses in manufacturing industries on international level. Antti has gained over 5 years international experience by working in Germany for a DAX-company, leading its business development and innovation management at corporate level.


Rob Moonen

Director EU projects & Business Development, MBA

Rob Moonen (MBA), Director European Projects and Business Development, and Partner at Lekatech, and Overall Project Coordinator of ECHO, has more than 19 years of experience in International Project Management, Application Strategy Development, and Funding Generation. As a research and innovation funding application expert, Rob has been responsible for successfully submitting tens of project applications to funding instruments such as H2020, ITEA, Eurostars, and Business Finland among others generating millions of Euros of funding for both companies as well as Higher Education Institutions. As a project manager Rob has been responsible for managing European projects ensuring high quality of project implementation as well as efficient compliance with funding instruments related financial reporting. Further, Rob has been working as an advisor in multiple H2020 and EUREKA projects to coach project managers.


Santiago Cuesta-López

Executive Director at ISMC Cluster and General Manager in ICAMCyL Foundation

Expert promoting international activity in raw materials (S3P-Batteries & Mining). Representative as member state in the EU EIP Raw Materials Operational Groups (until 2020). Member in committees: Strategic Expert Group for M-ERANET EU-Commission. Executive member of EU NANOFUTURES (Chairman of WG-CRMs). Experience of directing 22 EU-H2020 projects, coordinating 6 of them at EU level. Author/co-author of 100 publications & technical communications to industry and 10 scientific reputed awards.


Francisco J. Luque-Ruiz

Senior Project Manager at ISMC Cluster and Strategy Director of Talentia Network

Masters in environmental sciences and water management combined with research work at USA, India, Spain and UK (Oxford University). Expert evaluator of EU-funded R&I proposals Experience in research and management sides of EU-funded R&I projects on industrial and environmental issues since 2005.


Stylianos Spathariotis

Business Developer Manager in MNLT Innovations P.C.

Holds a PhD in Chemistry and Materials Science, has published 5 research papers and has actively participated in more than 20 international events. In MNLT responsible for business development and (innovative) outputs commercial exploitation, project development and management, and Life Cycle Analysis on technological products and processes.


Radosław Zimroz

Dean at Faculty of GeoEngineering, Mining and Geology, Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Member/WP leader, PI of many national and international projects founded by various organisations and companies including EU FP7 I2Mine, H2020 Disire, H2020 THING, KIC Raw Materials (Rock Vader, MAMMA, OPMO, AMICOS, Safeme4Mine, ECHO), H2020 Marie Curie Training Programme “Moira”, NonGauMech in frame of the polish-chinese research program SHENG and PREDICON supported by National Center of Research and Development. Author/Co-Author of 223 work documented in Scopus, including 122 articles in journals as MSSP, Applied Acoustics, Shock and Vibration, Journal of VIbroengineering, Measurement, etc, with more than 3000 citations and h-index 30.
